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About Mike

I've spent an enjoyable 15 years serving the citizens of Oregon City in a variety of roles. I've served on the Planning Commission, the Urban Renewal Commission, the City Budget Committee, the Citizen Involvement Committee, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, and the Transportation Advisory Committee. I was also honored to be the first chair of the Oregon City Parks Foundation, and I served two terms on the board of the Downtown Oregon City Association.  I'm active in the Oregon City Optimist Club. I'm also working with the start-up River Resources and Opportunities Task Force and the Chamber of Commerce subcommittee on re-use of the old county courthouse.

My wife Karen and I met at Linfield College (now University) in 1972 and have been married for 49 years. We've lived in the Caufield Neighborhood for seventeen years. We have two grown children, and the newest addition to our family is a year-old German Shepherd/Husky pup named Roxy. 

Mike for OC
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